I walk around the stores and shops in town and I wonder to myself... "Why don't these people look good?!" Its even more frustrating when someone has a great body and has NO IDEA how to dress it.
I have had that experience with some of my friends, some closer than others, and its just amazing what a brand new clothes - and perspective - can do to a person.
Just recently I went on a shopping trip with my cousin and normally she doesn't like close-fitting or even remotely flattering (I love you Kelsey, don't be mad at me!) clothing. She has a fantastic build too! She isn't stick thin but she isn't even close to being overweight. She is the ideal weight that I would love to be.
Point of the story: We went shopping and found her the most amazing clothing for her body shape. She has an hourglass shape and if you have wandered over to my Fashion Life Lines bar you will know exactly what that means.
We found her fantastic skinny jeans that fit her just right - and looked absolutely amazing might I add. We also found her some great shirts that gave her a shape and stopped hiding her body from the world.
Not only did we find these items, but for a great price. And trust me, we got a lot for her. She loved all the stuff and I'm glad I had a hand in her back to school shopping. She is gonna ROCK THE HALLWAYS! :)
On the other hand!
There are some body shapes that I have no experience in dressing. Okay there is only one, but its the hardest to find flattering clothes for. What is it you ask? Rectangle Shape. Its basically a teenage boy shape. I have a couple friends that have that silhouette and I try my hardest to keep away from dressing them.
BUT! Never fear because I have done my research and ready to give the needed advice!
Rectangle Shapes:
Do's:- Always look for clothes with shape because your body wont give any. Look for Bias - diagonal - cuts on dresses and skirts, and choose skirts that go out from the butt and legs (also called A-line cut), it makes you look like you have a nice Caboose!
- You Rectangles are one of the few body shapes that pull off polo's. (Personally I hate them, but if you look good in something... I guess I can over look that ha ha!)
- Racer-back vests and spaghetti straps look good, also off the shoulder looks fantastic. Why not show off your small petite shoulders?!
- Get a belt with those jackets! It will give you a waist;).
Dont's: - Drop Waists will almost NEVER look good on you. It will just make you look more boyish. Stay away from fuller and puffy skirts - they will just make you look disproportionate.
- Try to stay away from sweetheart necklines if you have smaller breasts. It wont look very flattering...
- Baggy shirts and tunics just wont give you that waist your looking for UNLESS you belt it up! That is always one of my favorite accessories to use;)
Look for:
- Fitted Layered tops to give you shape.
- Stilettos will give you killer legs - *TALKING TO YOU ERICA* - ballerina flats also look fantastic.
Now I hope I have helped some of you with the understanding of how things fit and what to wear. I seriously have to tell you that What Not To Wear is one of my favorite shows and its my dream to actually be Stacy London. I don't think I am even close to their expertise but I hope to be someday!