Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 70's - - - They're Back!

Yep! You heard it! They are for sure back in style.
Some major brands have just introduced their take on the hipster flare jean - an old concept with new designs. So if everyone is wearing it, why not show the options ----

You guessed it! these wonderful pairs of psychedelic jeans are from American Eagle. Personally one of my favorite brands to buy. And wonderfully, they are all under 30 dollars. So go pick some up today!!

Another 70's trend - - -
Hippie Rocker Chic.
Yeah, who thought that those words would be said together in one sentence.
But its here and personally I couldn't be more excited. I really do love this haggard, hippie style - especially since my hair just naturally goes into the haphazard mess that is so in style right now.

Here are some of my favorite looks right now:

As always, have fun with fashion, its only here to serve you!


Monday, January 3, 2011

(:Early Bird Gets the Best Dress:)

So it is almost time for Prom. Granted its 5 months away but there is nothing wrong with being prepared!! So here are some good ideas for the 5 body shapes:

Best: Empire and A-Line cuts.

Hourglass Figures:
You look good in fit and flare, avoid Empire waists and sweetheart necklines are fantastic on you.

Rectangle Shaped Figures:
Halters and bias cut dresses are the way to go. Avoid sheath dresses and drop waist dresses.

Pear Shape Bodies:
Lots-of-detail bodices and A-Line cuts are the best. Avoid Sheath and bias cuts.

Strawberry Shape Figures:
You want to shy away fitted skirts and off the shoulder - but one shoulder is good! You also want a fitted bodice and a flared skirt to bring balance. Bias cuts are also good.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My New Fashion Idol

And here she is! One of the hippest, most gorgeous women - with a fantastic sense of style - who just cant go wrong when it comes to clothes.

Kelly Rowland!

This White Dress is by far my favorite thing she was trying on. The simple white motif and the elaborate detail together is just spell binding. If I had a day to wear her clothing... My goodness what damage I would do!

There she is ladies and gentlemen.
Personally I think she was the prettiest of the Destiny's Child singers. Prettier and has a better figure than Beyonce for sure!
Comment and tell me what you think!!!


Ta Da!


Its what I love to do.

Put outfits together and see what it transforms into.

Just recently I finished my back to school shopping and came off of it with a bit of a high. It just makes me feel good when I look good. And who doesn't agree?

What is amazing is that I have built this amazing wardrobe that still to this day - its been 5 weeks now of school - I haven't worn everything or every outfit I've put together. Isn't that crazy?? I love it! I mean there are some things in my wardrobe - dresses especially - that haven't been touched, not because I don't like them anymore, but because I haven't gotten around to wearing them yet!

I mean how boring would it be to have a small stack of shirts, a couple pairs of jeans and some tank tops. AND THAT'S IT. That would be awful! I seriously don't see how people get through that. Sure I know people who do this, but I would just feel boring after a while, going through laundry day after laundry day seeing the same things over and over. My laundry days are amazing! I always dig out every piece of clothing from the hamper - that has an extension for space reasons - and sometimes I find clothes that I forgot I even had! Its like finding money in your jeans a month after you've worn them.

Moral of the story is: You don't have to be stick thin to have a fantastic wardrobe, you don't have to be rich to have a great wardrobe, you don't even have to have fashion sense to have a wardrobe! Just stick to what looks good, and if you're not sure, ask someone! I continually find different styles of clothing that look great on me. So don't despair! Just find a friend (OR ME!) who can tell you what you look fantastic in, and you'll be fine.

I love you all, and as always:

Shop like no one is watching!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another Update... :)

Went shopping today!

And for those who think I spend my free time shopping, your mistaken. I have only spent a large amount of money in the past 4 weeks on clothing because of school.
I really love spending money on clothes though, and even better, I love spending when I can get clothes at a great deal!

2 Hollister tops $7.00 each.

1 Pair Skinny Jeans American Eagle $25.00.

1 Pair Shorts American Eagle $10.00

1 Skirt American Eagle $10.00.

1 Pair Gray Skinny Jeans Wet Seal $15.00.

1 Pair Flare Jeans Wet Seal $20.00

3 Basic Tanks Forever 21 $2.50 each.

GRAND TOTAL: $101.00 For 5 Bottoms and 5 Tops.

If you do the math (which I like to do) At an average of how much I spent, I got 10 articles of clothing for 10 dollars each.
Fantastic much? I SAY YES!

Anywho, I love this season! Just for the clothes mind you - I dont like school at ALL.
Especially since fall is when all the new fashion comes out, the cardigans, the boots (oh how I love boots!), the general colors of dark greens, reds and blues, and the sales!

Speaking of boots. I just got the cutest pair at Ross the other day.
$15.00 - yellow and faux suede but you would think they are the real thing. Ankle boots and just absolutely adorable. But most of all YELLOW!

I'm one of those people who try to wear yellow on a regular basis. Its just a magnificent color that everyone should try and incorporate into their wardrobe. I know that not everyone looks good in Mustard or Sun Yellow, but mix it with a green, blue, and or maroon on a scarf = FABULOUS! Its one of those colors that I hope wont go out of style for a long time.

Well I hope all is well in the general publics lives!

As always, shop like no one is watching!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Explanations - Condensed and Simplified

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, there are many shapes when it come to people.
There is:

Apple - Top heavy or heavily endowed, but without a defined waist.
Pear - Bottom heavy or a nice caboose.
Hourglass - Evenly proportioned on top and bottom.
Strawberry - Bigger breasts and shoulders, usually an athletic look.
Rectangle - Boyish or strait angular figure, or lack of apparent curves.

These body figures gives the variety in fashion that I love. We cant all be size 0's-2's (So lets make the most of it!).
Once while sitting at the kitchen table looking through a Victoria's Secret catalogue (the Semi-Annual Sale is just a treat!) my dad said something to me that really made me think about body shape more in depth. He said, "You know, these 20 or so women are the 2% of the world that looks like that. So in all reality, they are the freaks. Not us normal sized people."
And he is right! They might be gorgeous freaks, but freaks none the less.

So don't despair when you cant find the right jeans! Shopping can be a fun, good experience or a self esteem wrecking ball; it all depends on how you handle it. Its okay to go back once or twice if you don't find any thing that works (trust me, I have done that WAY to much lately). It might be hard, but persistence is key. My brother is the most persistent little bugger I have ever known - but he gets what he wants 95% of the time!



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Looks Good - And What Looks BAD... :(

I walk around the stores and shops in town and I wonder to myself... "Why don't these people look good?!" Its even more frustrating when someone has a great body and has NO IDEA how to dress it.
I have had that experience with some of my friends, some closer than others, and its just amazing what a brand new clothes - and perspective - can do to a person.
Just recently I went on a shopping trip with my cousin and normally she doesn't like close-fitting or even remotely flattering (I love you Kelsey, don't be mad at me!) clothing. She has a fantastic build too! She isn't stick thin but she isn't even close to being overweight. She is the ideal weight that I would love to be.

Point of the story: We went shopping and found her the most amazing clothing for her body shape. She has an hourglass shape and if you have wandered over to my Fashion Life Lines bar you will know exactly what that means.
We found her fantastic skinny jeans that fit her just right - and looked absolutely amazing might I add. We also found her some great shirts that gave her a shape and stopped hiding her body from the world.
Not only did we find these items, but for a great price. And trust me, we got a lot for her. She loved all the stuff and I'm glad I had a hand in her back to school shopping. She is gonna ROCK THE HALLWAYS! :)

On the other hand!
There are some body shapes that I have no experience in dressing. Okay there is only one, but its the hardest to find flattering clothes for. What is it you ask? Rectangle Shape. Its basically a teenage boy shape. I have a couple friends that have that silhouette and I try my hardest to keep away from dressing them.
BUT! Never fear because I have done my research and ready to give the needed advice!

Rectangle Shapes:

  1. Always look for clothes with shape because your body wont give any. Look for Bias - diagonal - cuts on dresses and skirts, and choose skirts that go out from the butt and legs (also called A-line cut), it makes you look like you have a nice Caboose!
  2. You Rectangles are one of the few body shapes that pull off polo's. (Personally I hate them, but if you look good in something... I guess I can over look that ha ha!)
  3. Racer-back vests and spaghetti straps look good, also off the shoulder looks fantastic. Why not show off your small petite shoulders?!
  4. Get a belt with those jackets! It will give you a waist;).

  1. Drop Waists will almost NEVER look good on you. It will just make you look more boyish. Stay away from fuller and puffy skirts - they will just make you look disproportionate.
  2. Try to stay away from sweetheart necklines if you have smaller breasts. It wont look very flattering...
  3. Baggy shirts and tunics just wont give you that waist your looking for UNLESS you belt it up! That is always one of my favorite accessories to use;)

Look for:
  1. Fitted Layered tops to give you shape.
  2. Stilettos will give you killer legs - *TALKING TO YOU ERICA* - ballerina flats also look fantastic.

Now I hope I have helped some of you with the understanding of how things fit and what to wear. I seriously have to tell you that What Not To Wear is one of my favorite shows and its my dream to actually be Stacy London. I don't think I am even close to their expertise but I hope to be someday!
